Calhoun County Democratic Executive Committee Officers & Contributors
We The People.....

Sheila Degan Gilbert, Chair, Calhoun County Democratic
Executive Committee
Vernon Presley, Vice Chair,
Calhoun County Democratic
Executive Committee
Jim Wakefield, Vice Chair,
Senior Affairs, Calhoun
County Executive Committee
Vice Chair, Minority Affairs, Calhoun County Executive Committee
Vice Chair, Youth

Calhoun County Democrat HQ
812 Noble Street
Anniston, AL 36201
Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Pot Luck Dinner followed by a business meeting and guest speaker.
Secretary, Calhoun County Democratic
Executive Committee
Dee Crumly, Director
of Headquarters and

Frank Chaka, Treasurer
Calhoun County Democratic
Executive Committee
Carsie Evans
Office Administrator​

Beverly Williams
Newsletter Editor
Website Manager
Facebook Admin