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HARRIS-WALZ signs & OxfordFest

CalCoDem HQ has Harris-Walz signs!! 812 Noble Street, Anniston
  • Did you know that volunteers are now working OVERTIME and keeping HQ open from 10 am til 5 pm, Monday thru Friday from now until the election? Would YOU like to volunteer to HELP?

  • Stop by HQ and look at the schedule and SIGN UP :)

  • A couple hours here, 4 hours there? The pay is great: All the sodas, popcorn, chips & cookies you can eat, lol! And the opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals!

  • Most importantly - an opportunity to help get Democrats elected!

  • We have Harris-Walz signs at HQ and are asking for a 'donation.'

  • CalCoDems will have TWO tents at OxfordFest, THIS Saturday, October 5th. Help is still needed to haul tents, tables, etc to 'set up' Friday afternoon around 4 pm and set up Saturday at 7am, and then 'break down' Saturday at 4 pm.

  • ALSO, If you can help 'man' the tent to put 'tattoos' on kids; run games or help with the other activities - that will be great!

  • Call or text Carsie at 256--225-7032 or Sheila at 256-310-0955 to volunteer :)


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Calhoun County Democrat HQ

812 Noble Street

Anniston, AL 36201


Calhoun County Democrats

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