We've made it easier than ever for you to sign up to attend Dr Magadia's Covid update at 812 Noble Street on Thursday, August 12th at 6:30 pm. This event is FREE and is open to the public. For planning purposes - seating and meals - we'd appreciate it if everyone planning to attend would register on the Calhoun County Democrat website at https://www.calhouncountydemocrats.com/.../coronavirus.... Click on the link, read event details and register to attend! You will immediately receive a confirmation email! That way, you'll be assured to have a great 'brown bag' dinner! If for some reason you don't register online - please (and thank you) go to our FaceBook page at https://www.facebook.com/calcodems, and let us know in the comments section beneath the meeting announcement that - 'I'm coming' or 'I'll be there and I'm bringing Mary and Jo Bob!'
See you Thursday, August 12th at 6:30 pm for Dr. Magadia's presentation! Get your questions ready for the question and answer period immediately following Dr Magadia's remarks. Masks are not required but appreciated.
Please go to https://www.calhouncountydemocrats.com/events/coronavirus-update-by-dr-magadia-rmc and sign up for the event --- that way you will be assured a delicious 'brown bag' dinner! No dinner is assured if we don't get a message from you :)