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Don't Miss Dr. Raul Magadia's COVID update!

We've made it easier than ever for you to sign up to attend Dr Magadia's Covid update at 812 Noble Street on Thursday, August 12th at 6:30 pm. This event is FREE and is open to the public. For planning purposes - seating and meals - we'd appreciate it if everyone planning to attend would register on the Calhoun County Democrat website at Click on the link, read event details and register to attend! You will immediately receive a confirmation email! That way, you'll be assured to have a great 'brown bag' dinner! If for some reason you don't register online - please (and thank you) go to our FaceBook page at, and let us know in the comments section beneath the meeting announcement that - 'I'm coming' or 'I'll be there and I'm bringing Mary and Jo Bob!'

See you Thursday, August 12th at 6:30 pm for Dr. Magadia's presentation! Get your questions ready for the question and answer period immediately following Dr Magadia's remarks. Masks are not required but appreciated.

Please go to and sign up for the event --- that way you will be assured a delicious 'brown bag' dinner! No dinner is assured if we don't get a message from you :)


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