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Calhoun County Probate Judge Alice K. Martin presents 'Elections 101' tomorrow evening! Thursday, 17 Oct!

Calhoun County Probate Judge Alice K. Martin, presents 'Elections 101' at our October 17 Meeting!
A little bit about the Duties and Responsibilities of the Probate Judge. . . . .


Name Changes, Adoptions and Contests to Adoptions, Involuntary Commitment of the Mentally Ill, Condemnation of Privately Owned Land for Public Use (Eminent Domain), Guardianship and Conservatorship Proceedings for Minor Children and Adults Who Are Mentally Ill and/or Physically Incapacitated, and the Administration of Decedents’ Estates (whether or not the decedent had a last will and testament).

Public Records

The Judge of Probate is the custodian of the County’s public records, including deeds, real estate mortgages, and the like.


The Judge of Probate is the Chief Election Officer of each County. The Judge of Probate serves, along with the Sheriff of each County and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each County, as chairman of the boards which oversee the election process in the various counties of Alabama and appoints all local election officials.


The Judge of Probate is responsible for the recordation of Marriage Certificates.

Notaries Public

The Judge of Probate appoints notaries public, who are authorized to administer certain oaths and certify the execution of certain documents.

Many thanks to Alice Martin for taking time to share her knowledge with the community!
The October meeting is also 'Hotdogs & Chili' night!
AND, we are now collecting feminine hygiene products to help fill a need for less fortunate women in the community as well as diapers for the youngest and most vulnerable among us. Bring pads, tampons, etc and/or diapers and receive a FREE Harris-Walz sign!

It's a WIN WIN situation!!

Calhoun County Democrats thank you all for your generosity with your time, energy AND monetary donations. It is our goal to put it ALL to good use. Sheila Degan Gilbert


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Anniston, AL 36201


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