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Biden Says the Idea of America ‘Lies in Your Hands’

In an Oval Office address about ending his campaign, President Biden said the time had come to “pass the torch to a new generation” and praised Vice President Kamala Harris.

There is much work to be done prior to the upcoming election, and Calhoun County Democrats stand ready. We can't afford to be 'closet' Democrats if we want to maintain our country's Democracy - life as we know it - life as we want for our children and their children.

We must be LOUD and PROUD.

Will you join us? Please watch for volunteer opportunities coming soon! Postcard writing campaigns, phone banking and texting voters, canvassing and MORE!

Donations are needed. Visit Act Blue and donate!

We need to purchase yard signs, ad space in newspapers, billboards, bumper stickers, etc to get our Democratic candidate Kamala Harris elected! CalCoDems get no funds or support from the State Party or the National Party. We operate entirely on donations from folks like you and me.

Please watch, as the Calhoun County Democratic Executive Committee Chair, Sheila Degan Gilbert, talks about the upcoming election.


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