It's been 15 months since Calhoun County Democrats met in person! Even so - we bought and delivered Biden-Harris signs and Doug Jones signs. We wrote postcards and made phone calls. We avoided crowds, wore masks and followed medical guidance for COVID-19. And now - the majority of us have been vaccinated.
While we had some great Zoom meetings these past months - we are ready to get 'back to business' and are celebrating with a cookout at our new HQ at 812 Noble Street. It's sat nearly empty far too long and we are gearing up to make use of this wonderful new facility.
Join us on Thursday, June 17th at 6:30 pm. Tour the HQ, enjoy the food and music and hear plans for 'BLUE in 22!' We are grilling burgers and dogs :) Bring a side dish or dessert OR simply come and bring a friend!
Masks are welcomed, but not required.
